The New Opposition of Democracy

Who is the opposition to the ruling party in India?

Can it INC, TMC, AIMIM, AAP, or any other political party in the parliament be categorised as a “Fit Opposition“?

I think it won’t be wrong to say that JNU, AMU and JU have come out to be better opposition than those in the parliament.

But should these educational institutions take such a stand like the one’s we have been observing in past 5 years?

Are The Students, getting subsidised education in prestigious institutions, better representatives of underprivileged societies and religiously persecuted communities?

What kind of AZADI do these people want?

Are these people even fit to raise such questions?

How can these belligerent crowds of misled students be self-proclaimed ‘Prisoners of War’!

Should we compare these people to the Revolutionists that our Freedom Fighters were, who fought out the colonial powers out of our nation – OR – are these just another parodical version of the Revolutionists who carried out the French Revolution without proper roadmap for a better structure of a Nation Post-revolution?

These are few questions which every self-respecting tax payer is asking who’s blood, sweat and tears are put into these Institutions and the facilities these people are delightfully and passionately utilising in Protesting (and burning and breaking public property which again comes through tax payer’s hard-earned money) rather than actually make use of the institutions and learn and grow to a position where we could expect a proper representation of the opposing ideas of dichotomised ruling party so that they do not enjoy the perks of MONARCHY or better said in current political situation as DIARCHY (won’t dare and/or need to mention the two names).

Which brings me to the oxymoron made by our dearest Rulers who blocks the internet of affected parts and then tweets for those people to not to worry!

I would want to come to two main points which should be in spotlight for the protesting purposes, or at least I feel that should be it (if our so called PoWs think otherwise then be that if it may).

  • Indigenous People’s Fear –

Northeastern states face a threat to their indigenous people and culture unlike Rajasthan, Delhi and Haryana(to some extent) where the demography would be affected by the implementation of CAB (Citizenship Amendment Bill). Sole reason being the population of indigenous folks. The concern in the Northeast is not religious discrimination for the immigrants but the whole population in-filtered into their homelands. So, what could the policy makers look to solve this issue. One solution could be accommodating the immigrants to various other states who could afford to do so.

  • NRC Enforcement All over India –

Does an Indian citizen living here for generations need to prove their citizenship through documents to be officially as a citizen? What is the matter of concern is that we will see the whole country standing in a queue in front of NRC centres to get themselves registered. NRC for the states like Assam are feasible and well justified at the same time. This could also coincide with the arithmetic mentioned in the previous point. But for the rest of the country expending millions of Rupees and citizens’ valuable time for registering them in NRC be worth the value in consequence? And what about the citizens who could not produce the required documents?

I would also like to ask the people to propose more and better solutions on the concerning issues rather than damaging public property and taxpayers’ money invested on them for better socio-economic development of the country!

— But at the same time we must not misinterpret the security concerns for the nation as facist concerns of socio-political groups.

At the conjuncture of secularism, I would like to quote J. Sai Deepak (Advocate Supreme Court) –

Literature says, one particular group comes to India with a specific design for looking for better economic opportunity and (let’s say) as a continuum of an unfinished agenda. Whereas, the other group is running away from a particular place because the other place has become an inferno for persecution (Religious Persecution). 

J. Sai Deepak

Is it really humanitarian to include a religion, in this particular exercise limited to the scope of 3 specific countries which have a specific religious identity by the virtue of their constitutions, with the others who are minorities of the same nations and being targeted on the same issue of religion. Here comes yet another quote which needs a little more pondering under the purview of protests to support religion which forms the identity of these nation and constitutions altogether –

When they choose to enter this particular country, you’re applying a certain filter of persecution on the basis of religion. You cannot take away this aspect altogether because of you do so, you’re not allowing the person who’s suffering the particular persecution to tell you the cause of the particular persecution.

J. Sai Deepak

Lastly, I would like to appeal to the “WhatsApp educated” advocates of The Constitution to read the original documentation of the Articles those have been constantly touted and used against the major issues in our Nation – Articles 14-18 (Right to Equality), Articles 19-22 (Right to Freedom), Articles 25-28 (Right to Freedom of Religion) here.

But where are the political opposition who should be raising all such issues rather than religious violences and sentimental manipulation?

How many opposing leaders and parliamentarians have commented on solid underlying issues?

Who is there to talk about people who have been misled in name of religion?

Why none of the figures which we look upto talk about Indian Citizens as a whole?

Why do educational entities have to take the foreground outside the temple of democracy where the people sent with votes and confidence of citizens are silent when it comes to the question of citizens?

These are the questions that concern me more than any revolution or movement. Maybe we are looking for the solutions in the wrong places like religion – secularism, liberalism – communalism, etc. etc. So, let us drive the nation towards more aware and democratic front.

This article has been solely written under the Right to Freedom of Speech. This may not be aligned to the mentality of the masses – be it of the Right or Left winged and I am not appealing anyone to concur with someone’s opinion, be it mine or others. But I desperately request the people reading this article to not neglect the facts and figures and not undermine the misery of underlying communities and victims under the influence of people seeking political incentives out of it.